The Image question lets you add a graphic such as a promotional image, picture of your campus, school logo, etc. to your form. You can upload an image from your local or network drive, or enter a link to an image.
1. Log in to the campus portal as an administrator and access EX FormFlow - Forms.
2. Click on the form you are working with.
3. Click Add Question. The Add Item window appears.
4. In the Unique ID field, enter an identifier for the image.
5. From the Type drop-down pick list, select Image.
6. In the Text field, enter any text you want to use to describe the image. Leave this blank if you just want the image to appear without a label or description.
7. Text is automatically added to the left of the image. Use the Text Position options to move it to the top or right.
8. If you are grouping fields, enter the group name in the Group field. Each question being included in the group must have the same group name in this field.
9. Click the Settings tab.
10. The question is automatically added to the left of the form page. Use the Alignment options to move it to the center or right.
11. To adjust how wide or high the image appears, enter the size you want the image in the Width and Height fields. You can use the percentage of 100 or use px, pt values. For example, if you want the image to be small, enter 50% or 50px.
12. The Hide On Load setting can be used to hide a question on the form until another action takes place. * This setting will soon be discontinued. To show/hide a question, use question Rules options.
13. From the Upload a File options, click Choose a File. The Open window appears.
a. Locate and select the image you want to upload from your local computer or server. Image file size limits are determined by your server settings. There are no limits on format.
b. Click Open. The Choose File window closes.
c. Click Upload file. The file is uploaded.
14. To add an image using a link:
a. In the OR Enter Image URL field, enter or paste the website of the image you want to display in your form field.
b. To get the URL of a web image, access the website with the image you want to add, right-click on the image and select Copy link address. You can now paste the URL in the OR Enter Image URL field.
15. If you are associating the image with information in EXi Events, select the appropriate event field from the Map to EXi Event Field drop-down options.
NOTE: This option is only available to schools with an EXi Events Management license.
16. In the Help Info Text field, enter additional information or brief instructions for form users. Help information is shown next to a help icon that shows your text when the user hovers over or clicks on it.
NOTE: This option is only available to schools with a CRM Candidate license.
17. Click Save.
1. Access the website with the image you want to add.
2. Right-click on the image and select Copy link address. You can now paste the URL in the OR Enter Image URL field.
This may not always be accurate. If the image links to something else, the address being copied copying will be the target of the link and not the source of the actual image.