Form Settings

Form settings are configurations you can apply to your entire form. They control how users access and work with your forms.

To access form settings:

1.      Log in to the campus portal as an administrator and access EX FormFlow - Forms.

2.      Click Manage Forms. The Manage Forms page appears.

3.      Click on the form you are working with.

4.      Click Form Settings. Example. The Form Information window appears.


Form Setting


Definition tab

 Form Name

Form Names are important! They are used for mapping to your external database, as the text for your form URL, and help you keep track of your forms in EX FormFlow - Workflow.  

Tab Orientation

Controls the position and arrangement of the tabs on the form.


Block of text underneath the Form Name. They're useful for giving an introduction to your form. You can use @@ options to auto-add relative information such as the logged in user's name or the date.

Settings tab

Display On

Date picker that lets you select the date and time the form will be available to form users.

Message Before Start

Message that appears before your form is available.

End On

Date picker that lets you select the date and time the form will be available to form users.

Message After End

Message that appears when your form is closed.

Display in Main View

Makes the form available immediately; however, limits you to only display one form at a time. Users will not be able to pick up where they left off on their previous form submission and will be forced to begin a new submission.

File Upload Root

Where on the JICS server the files will be stored for any question you add to your form that allows file uploads. @@SubmissionID can be used.  

Randomize Questions

Show form questions in a random order each time someone visits the form.

On Finish tab

Use reCaptcha

Enables Google reCaptcha validation to be required before the form is submitted (requires Google reCaptcha account).

Public Key

Public key provided by Google reCaptcha.

Private Key

Private key provided by Google reCaptcha.

Display a Message to the User

Displays a custom confirmation message when someone completes your form. You can add formatting, images, or links. You can use @@ to insert form data into your custom message.   

Transfer to Web Page

Sends people directly to another website when they complete your form. You can use @@ to insert form data into your web page transfer.

Access/Security tab

Number of Times a User Can Submit

Restricts the total number of submissions per user within this EX FormFlow - Forms. If a user returns to submit and the threshold has been met, they receive a message indicating they have met the submission limit.

Make Submissions Anonymous

Removes all identifying information from the form meta-data.

Allow Users to View Their Own Submissions

Allows form users to view their form using the View Reports link once it has been submitted. TIP: Unless they have permission to view all, form users will only be able to see their own submissions.

Limit Access

A data source containing a list of all users permitted to access this form. If the currently logged in user does not exist in this list, the form link will not be visible.