Data Validations

Any data validations you set up are available to all forms within the FormFlow instance.

Data validations ensure the form users enter information correctly. You can use Jenzabar-provided validations or create your own. Data validations are not limited to one form. They can be reused as needed. Data validations can be applied to individual questions or fields when you create or edit them. There are two types of validations: standard input validations and comparison validations.

Standard Input Validation

Standard input validation verifies what the user enters and lets them know if it is valid or not. Users cannot save until they've met the required format, but they can update their response before they submit the form. For example, you can use an input validation and mask on a social security number question to ensure the correct format is entered.

Example: Standard Input Validation Setup

Example: Question Configuration

Example: User Form

Input Masks:


Represents an alpha character (A-Z, a-z)


Represents a numeric character (0-9)


Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)

Comparison Validation

Comparison validation verifies the information entered in one question matches the information entered in another question.  

Example: Question Configuration

Example: User Form

How To

Set Up a Standard Input Validation

Set Up a Comparison Validation