Add EX FormFlow to the Campus Portal

You can add, remove, rename, and reorder the EX FormFlow features on the appropriate campus portal pages.

Add EX FormFlow Features as a Tab

1.         Log in to the campus portal as an administrator.

2.         From the profile drop-down options, select Site Manager. Example. The Site Manager page appears.

3.         Click the Tabs tab. A list of existing tabs appears.

4.         Click Edit next to the tab name where your page is located.

5.         Under Portlets Available to Pages in this Tab, select the portlets and features that are to be made available for the addition to the page.

6.         Click Save. The Tabs page reappears.

7.         Click Exit.

Add EX FormFlow Features to an Existing Page

1.         Log in as the campus portal administrator.

2.         Access the page where you want add the EX FormFlow - Forms feature.

3.         From the Admin Toolbar, click Options. The Options page appears.

4.         Click Add a new feature to this page.

5.         Click General Purpose features to view a list of the general purpose features.

6.         Click EX FormFlow - Forms. The Options page reappears.

7.         Make any additional changes to the page name, layout or features on the page.

8.         Click the Back to... link to return to the feature page.

Add EX FormFlow - Forms as a Page

When you choose to add the EX FormFlow - Forms feature as its own page, it will appear as a link on the sidebar for the currently selected tab.

1.         Log in as the campus portal administrator.

2.         Select the tab where you want to add the FormFlow - Forms feature.

3.         From the left-hand side, click Add a Page. The Add a New Page page appears.

4.         Click General Purpose features to view a list of the general purpose features.

5.         Click EX FormFlow - Forms. The EX FormFlow - Forms page is created.

Remove EX FormFlow - Forms from a Page

If you delete EX FormFlow - Forms from a page, you will also delete any forms you created along with the submission data stored in the database for that form. The deletion cannot be undone and the data cannot be recovered. If you need to remove EX FormFlow - Forms from a page, you can export your forms and import them into another instance of EX FormFlow - Forms at another time.

1.         Log in as the campus portal administrator.

2.         Navigate to the page with EX FormFlow.

3.         From the Admin Toolbar, click Options. The Options page appears.

4.         Click the link for the feature you want to remove. A confirmation window appears.

5.         Click the Delete... or Stop sharing... button. If a second pop-up window appears, click the Delete button. The feature is no longer available.

Reorder the Features on a Page

1.         Log in as the campus portal administrator.

2.         Navigate to the page with EX FormFlow.

3.         From the Admin Toolbar, click Rearrange. The features on your page can now be dragged and dropped.

4.         Click on, drag, and drop the features you want to move, one at a time.

5.         Click Save Changes.